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Support Q+A

How do I cancel my Tatsu subscription?
Simply uninstall Tatsu from your workspace and your subscription will automatically be cancelled.

You can reinstall Tatsu at anytime and your billing period will start on that reinstallation date.

How do I remove a Tatsu participant?
If you are on any plan except for the Participation plan, any Slack user that is deactivated from your workspace is automatically removed from the pool of current Tatsu participants.

On the Participation plan, a Tatsu administrator can remove any Tatsu participant from the pool of Tatsu participants.

How do I upgrade my plan?
You can change your plan at anytime using the Slack Slash Command of /tatsu upgrade. Tatsu will send you a link in Slack that you to a secure web page to change your plan or billing information.
How do I update my billing information?
You can update your credit card or other billing information at anytime using the Slack Slash Command of /tatsu upgrade. Tatsu will send you a link in Slack that you to a secure web page to update your billing information.
How do I create tasks?
If you are on the Legacy plan, you are not able to create tasks as you are limited to syncups only. You will be required to upgrade the Legacy plan in order to create tasks, polls, and more.

If you are on the any other subscription plan, you can create tasks by simply typing /task My task name in any channel and a task will quickly be created. Alternatively, you can create tasks in the Tatsu App Home in Slack.

My scheduled task, syncup, poll, or announcement did not start at it's scheduled time. What can I do?
First, ensure that the @tatsu user has access to the channel where the item is scheduled to start. You can check if Tatsu has access by using the help command of /tatsu help and see if it responds. If Tatsu does not respond, you will need to invite Tatsu to the channel in order for it to start scheduled items in that channel.

If Tatsu has access to the channel, please reach out to support so we can investigate the issue.

Don’t see your question answered here?
We pride ourselves on great support. Don’t see your question here or an answer was not satisfactory? Please contact us and we will respond within two business days.